The Quarterly Book Giveaway

A few years ago, I was talking about my love of cooking with a client and we were comparing notes on our favorite cookbooks. When they left the office, I sent them a copy of my favorite cookbook and my quarterly book giveaway was off and running.

That fall, I created a quick email and gave away 10 copies of "Finding Yourself in the Kitchen" by Dana Velden. The folks who weren't the first 10 asked when the next giveaway was, and around Valentine's Day, we moved on to "In a French Kitchen" by Susan Herrmann Loomis.

It's not always cookbooks. As the weather gets warmer, I try to find some good books for summer reading and then something around back to school time to get us all in the mood for the final quarter of the year.

The giveaway list is open to clients and non-clients and if you get one of the books, it's free! All you need to win is an email address and some luck each quarter.

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